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Memorial Garden

For a Better Tomorrow

 Memorial Garden

St. Matthew's maintains a beautiful Memorial Garden for members and non-members who wish to have their ashes interred here.


Interment price:  $150

A plaque will be placed on the wall in loving memory (included in the price). 

Information needed for plaque: 




Memorial Garden

Many volunteers keep it clean and beautiful through every season of the year.

Gardening is Wednesdays 9-11 AM Apr-Sept, weather permitting. Come every week or when you can. We encourage you to join! After planting, pruning, mulching, & weeding they go to Wendy’s 5 Mile/Merriman for lunch. Bring gloves, but most tools are available.

MAINTENANCE Only once or twice/year. Paint stair rails, stain wood benches, re-set brick pavers, spray weeds, control bees, clean metal benches, trim trees, empty trash and sweep sidewalks.


Want to aid the Memorial Garden?

You can donate to its care download/print form​

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